Individual supervision is invaluable in the process of becoming proficient in DEFT. It is the program’s intent to meet the developing therapist where he/she is on the road to learning. In supervision, specific skills can be identified for development and an ongoing program of deliberate practice will be recommended. In addition to the challenge of integrating a comprehensive approach, therapists commonly find it difficult to stay the course in the process of uncovering intense unconscious affects. Therapists suffer psychological wounds like all people, and therefore they may avoid complex feelings and find it challenging to help clients transcend defenses that may be their own. Effective supervision needs to be sensitive to the delicate vulnerability that is activated when therapists expose their own fears and struggles to their trainer and colleagues. Our Institute is developing ways to help our trainees to become aware of their personal learning hurdles and to consider a variety of options to maximize their absorption of new material. 

Some options for supervision and guidance are the following:

Zoom, telephone and office case consultation for full or part hours with a  faculty member. Simultaneous viewing of recorded material, role-play practice of case material and process notes may be utilized. Supplementing training with individualized supervision is a signifiant asset in optimizing the integration of new material.

Extended live role-play practice within the DEFT training program with supervision and coaching by the trainer and advanced members.

Individual supervision within the training group using video, role-play or process notes.

Submission of clinical questions for discussion on the DEFT Google Group and also for consideration for Susan’s blog site.

Participating in a “buddy system,” which is recommended to provide coaching amongst members of the training program in between training sessions.  The purpose is to identify discrete skills that are tailored for the trainee and to reinforced an individualized practice.

Supervision in DEFT